Wow, we haven't updated in a while... Shows how busy our life has been!
We've done a bit of camping over the past two weeks and I thought I'd share our pictures. Eliza had a blast and is a pretty great camping baby. We didn't bring any toys with us and she was content running around playing with pine cones, rocks, sticks and just about anything else she could find. Rachel and I had a great time too!
Our first camping trip this year was three weeks ago and we went to a campground on the Mokelumne River for Joey's (Rachel's brother) 30th birthday. The campground is seriously in the middle of nowhere:
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We had quite an adventure finding it, as did most of the other people we were camping with, but we ended up having a great time.
Our second trip, was to the Eastern side of the Mendocino National Forest. The East side isn't really the side that people go to because it's supposedly not as nice looking as the West side, but we found it to be very beautiful. We stayed at a campsite that was a short walk to the river. Eliza had so much fun throwing rocks into the water! She picked up a rock and said her usual, "Dat!", and I said, "that's a rock", so now she calls them "a rock". So cute. We went camping with our friends Lydia and Adam and we all had a lot of fun exploring the different areas.

Slappy chasing the ducks

Playing with sugar packets at the only place to get breakfast in town

Eliza telling ghost stories