We were able to have the 100% natural birth that we wanted. No drugs other than some antibiotics that I was required to take because I was a type B strep carrier. Eliza came out happy and very alert. We had her nursing from about 20 minutes into her life, and she has been a champ ever since. The birth center was amazing, and took great care of us. After she was born, Megan one of the RNs made us breakfast that we were able to eat in bed while they did the newborn screening in our room. She passed her hearing test perfectly and we declined all of the other things like the Hep B and vitamin K shots. We both took a short nap, I was able to get up and shower, and we were home exactly 6 hours and 30 minutes after she was born. It was so nice to be able to recover in my own bed with my mom cooking for me. My mom was able to come out on Saturday after my water broke. She was here for the birth and was able to care for our dogs while she was born. We came home and she got to meet her grandma for the first time. Having my mom here was a life saver and we could have never done it without her. Thanks mom!

I am feeling really good at this point. I felt great from the get go because I was un-medicated. Most women who have pain meds cant even walk for a while after the birth, and are groggy for days after. I didn't experience any of that. I also had a pretty easy recovery.

Eliza had her first play date with our friends Becky and David's son Ardun. He is about a week and a half older than her. We met Becky and David in our Bradley birth class and have become good friends.

Today we fed her, got her in her carrier and took her to lunch, Target, Costco and the post office. She was a champ the entire time and let us do everything we needed. We got her home and fed her, cleaned her diaper and took her for her first walk around the neighborhood with the dogs. She was great.

We were pretty convinced she looked a lot like me until we found a picture of Mark as an infant sleeping and its very obvious how much she looks like her dad too. She has his mouth and head shape. We're still not sure about the nose because both of our baby noses look almost exactly the same.
We posted a ton of pictures on our flickr account: www.flickr.com/runaroundrachel if you care to look at them.
1 comment:
I love the idea of dogs being sisters - sometimes they get a bad rap.
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