The life and travels of two best friends, a crazy toddler and their pack of rescued dogs!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
So uhh... Who reads this thing?
Mark and I were wondering if anyone actually reads this. We sometimes spend time writing it, and we only have 5 followers :)
Just curious so leave a comment, send an email, just let us know who is reading it... also feel free to tell us what you love, hate, want more of, want less of...
I'm not a loyal follower, but I think it's fun to read what you all are up to....and of course, I love pictures of the dogs (no offense to you or Mark of course).
I read it. And I like it!
Whuzzup Beans? I smell ya, dog.
I want a picture of The Baconator wearing sunglasses. I also want an audio clip of Mark playing his bass.
Done and done!
I'm not a loyal follower, but I think it's fun to read what you all are up to....and of course, I love pictures of the dogs (no offense to you or Mark of course).
The road trip play-by-play was really fun.
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