About 5 years ago (maybe a bit longer) I began doing some pit bull advocating on Myspace.com. During this adventure, I met some really neat people. Most notably, my friend Lindsay. Lindsay adopted Buster James Brown around the time that I adopted Slappy and we instantly became friends. She lives in southern CA, and we always kept in touch about random things, including life, travels, dog stuff, etc. I once posted a picture of Slappy that just touched her soul- and she felt an urge to paint the picture (she is an artist). Anyway, about 5 years later (today) I received the painting in the mail and I was blown away. I knew she was talented, but I was just so touched that she captured Slappy's facial structure and eyes so well. She got ever single little detail down to her spotted belly and pink spots. Anyway, its a beautiful painting and I feel really fortunate to have met such a wonderful person! Thanks Lindsay!

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